M ountain B iking A nd S an B ernardino


Andrew's Bike Lee's Bike My Bike New Riding Crew? + Lee
Andrew, Summer '04 Lee, Summer '04 Chris, Summer '04 Crew + Rudy

Carbon Canyon

CC before and after the fires... it used to be really nice, and there was a jump!
Before fires Before fires After fires 7-13-05

Blackstar Canyon

Hardest trip so far. roundtrip ~18miles, so 9 of it was uphill... rediculous.

Blackstar Blackstar Blackstar Blackstar
Blackstar Blackstar Blackstar Blackstar


My Cabin, Winter San Bernardino, Summer '04 San Bernardino, Winter '04 Me, Loading

The Big Juan The Big Juan Lights ON!

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AIM: superchrisophe03